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Jan 23, 20165 min read
Understanding Optimal Health (Part 1)
If I were to ask you if you were healthy, what would the answer be? What if I were to ask if you were in optimal or ideal health? No...
Jan 11, 20167 min read
What the brain does as we sleep
Sleep is an essential part of life. In fact we spend a third part of our life sleeping. If we spend that much time sleeping, there must...
Jan 4, 20166 min read
Lifestyle and Health
Will what I do today affect my health tomorrow? As I’ve learned more about the mind and body through Phytotherapi’s blogs and seminars,...
Dec 17, 20154 min read
Inflammation and Diabetes
In the past Diabetes has been blamed on genetics or the result of eating certain foods. More recent research however, has proven that...
Dec 11, 20156 min read
Treating Allergies Naturally
Every year thousands of people are affected by allergies. Whether it be seasonal allergies, animal hair, or foods, no one enjoys allergy...
Dec 4, 20155 min read
Strengthening Bones
There are over 200 bones in the human body. It’s a good thing too, since without bones we would be nothing but fleshy lumps that can’t...
Nov 25, 20156 min read
Redesigning our minds
It’s incredible to think about how well connected the brain is to the rest of the body. How and what we think all directly impacts our...
Nov 19, 20156 min read
Exercise – Beyond Physical Appearance
Exercise has been promoted and marketed successfully throughout the world. In a report published in 2013, the health and fitness industry...
Nov 12, 20157 min read
Physical and emotional aging
The body has the remarkable ability to regenerate. In a very literal sense this means our body is constantly rebuilding itself. As we...
Nov 7, 20151 min read
We Would Worry Less…
When you are grateful, the stress mechanism is less likely to remain on in your body. This leads to less worry and more happiness. If you...
Nov 7, 20151 min read
Family is not an Important Thing…
At the end of the day, who are those that matter most to you? Family. Your family can be traditional but family also comes in the form of...
Nov 2, 20154 min read
Men’s Health and Hormones
It’s a common misconception that women are the only ones who should worry about hormonal health. Everyone’s body however, produces...
Oct 31, 20151 min read
We Pray For The Big Things…
Even small things can be big things with a thankful heart and positive attitude.
Oct 31, 20151 min read
Be Thankful For What You Have
When we are thankful for what we have, our mind isn’t able to focus on the negative. We are happier, more positive and less stressed.
Oct 30, 20155 min read
Introducing Nutrition in the Kitchen
When I began my journey to better health 6 years ago, there was so much information out there it was hard to know where to start. What I...
Oct 16, 20156 min read
How Stress Affects Brain Function
When we talk about the functions of the brain, we have to consider both the physiological and emotional activities in play. Physically,...
Oct 10, 20156 min read
Manifestations of Stress
Stress has many faces. This is mine When I was about 12 years old I developed serious body image issues. It wasn’t the typical, “Oh man,...
Oct 2, 20154 min read
What everyone should know about prescriptions (NNT)
When we receive a prescription from our doctor, most of us trust and hope the benefits of the drug will outweigh any side effects. It may...
Sep 30, 20151 min read
INFOGRAPHIC: Why You Should Care About Mitosis
Mitosis. You probably haven’t heard that word since you were in high school biology class. Mitosis, however is a fundamental part of...
Sep 30, 20151 min read
A Must-See Diagram That Will Help You Understand What Stress Does to Your Body
Ever wonder what happens to your body when you’re under stress? This infographic sums it up. To learn more about stress you can go here....
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